2021 FL FTC Northeast Florida League Meet REMOTE 3

February 1 – 7, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 1846554659944 SATURN #9944 Q-4
2nd 1695054659944 SATURN #9944 Q-3
2nd 1695054659944 SATURN #9944 Q-5
4th 16656605017593 Mechanical Menaces Q-6
5th 16571544012827 Crazy Cat Ladies Q-6
6th 1595044659944 SATURN #9944 Q-1
7th 1525052509944 SATURN #9944 Q-6
8th 1503550659944 SATURN #9944 Q-2
9th 14844545017593 Mechanical Menaces Q-2
10th 14756365517593 Mechanical Menaces Q-1
11th 14556543517593 Mechanical Menaces Q-5
12th 13356423517593 Mechanical Menaces Q-4
13th 13265125510497 SwampBots Q-5
14th 11747304012827 Crazy Cat Ladies Q-3
15th 11159124012827 Crazy Cat Ladies Q-2
16th 1093866510276 Storm Troopers Q-3
16th 10947422012827 Crazy Cat Ladies Q-4
16th 10944303517593 Mechanical Menaces Q-3
19th 1083586510497 SwampBots Q-2
20th 10535304012827 Crazy Cat Ladies Q-1
21st 10250124010497 SwampBots Q-4
22nd 10141303014384 Patent Pending Q-2
23rd 9644124010276 Storm Troopers Q-6
24th 9529363014384 Patent Pending Q-1
25th 9336421514384 Patent Pending Q-4
26th 9244282010276 Storm Troopers Q-4
27th 905004010497 SwampBots Q-6
28th 882945510276 Storm Troopers Q-5
29th 8635361511172 Static Discharge Q-6
30th 8520303510276 Storm Troopers Q-2
31st 833584017986 904 Robo Eagles Q-6
32nd 783583510497 SwampBots Q-1
33rd 765602018145 Men in Black Jax Q-4
34th 7420243011172 Static Discharge Q-1
34th 7420243011172 Static Discharge Q-5
36th 7129222010276 Storm Troopers Q-1
36th 712942014384 Patent Pending Q-6
38th 702644018145 Men in Black Jax Q-6
39th 655303014384 Patent Pending Q-3
40th 6320281511172 Static Discharge Q-3
41st 62525517986 904 Robo Eagles Q-3
42nd 6120162515052 Space Engineers Q-5
43rd 602004017986 904 Robo Eagles Q-1
43rd 603502517986 904 Robo Eagles Q-2
45th 5720122515052 Space Engineers Q-1
45th 5720122517986 904 Robo Eagles Q-5
47th 565361514384 Patent Pending Q-5
47th 56560018145 Men in Black Jax Q-5
49th 555302018317 Steel Eels Q-1
50th 535282018317 Steel Eels Q-5
51st 5220122015052 Space Engineers Q-2
51st 523202018145 Men in Black Jax Q-2
53rd 51564018385 SHIVA Atomatrons Q-1
53rd 51564018385 SHIVA Atomatrons Q-2
53rd 51564018385 SHIVA Atomatrons Q-4
53rd 51564018385 SHIVA Atomatrons Q-5
53rd 51564018385 SHIVA Atomatrons Q-6
58th 505301511172 Static Discharge Q-4
58th 502003015052 Space Engineers Q-6
60th 492042517986 904 Robo Eagles Q-4
60th 495242018317 Steel Eels Q-2
60th 495242018317 Steel Eels Q-3
60th 495242018317 Steel Eels Q-6
64th 473512012827 Crazy Cat Ladies Q-5
65th 462062015052 Space Engineers Q-4
66th 45504018205 Turbulent Turtles Q-1
66th 45504018205 Turbulent Turtles Q-2
66th 45504018205 Turbulent Turtles Q-3
66th 45504018205 Turbulent Turtles Q-4
66th 45504018205 Turbulent Turtles Q-5
66th 45504018205 Turbulent Turtles Q-6
66th 45504018385 SHIVA Atomatrons Q-3
73rd 442042011774 Robo-Panthers Q-2
74th 41356010497 SwampBots Q-3
74th 41536011172 Static Discharge Q-2
74th 415162011774 Robo-Panthers Q-1
74th 415162011774 Robo-Panthers Q-6
74th 41410018145 Men in Black Jax Q-1
79th 395142018317 Steel Eels Q-4
80th 375122015052 Space Engineers Q-3
81st 320122011774 Robo-Panthers Q-4
82nd 29290018145 Men in Black Jax Q-3
83rd 28208011774 Robo-Panthers Q-5
84th 25200511892 The Flash Drives Q-3
84th 25200516465 Servo Stallions Q-2
84th 25200516465 Servo Stallions Q-4
84th 25200516465 Servo Stallions Q-5
84th 25200516465 Servo Stallions Q-6
89th 15150011892 The Flash Drives Q-5
90th 1358011774 Robo-Panthers Q-3
91st 1050516465 Servo Stallions Q-3
92nd 550011892 The Flash Drives Q-2
92nd 550016465 Servo Stallions Q-1
94th 000011892 The Flash Drives Q-1
94th 000011892 The Flash Drives Q-4
94th 000011892 The Flash Drives Q-6