2021 NorCal FTC-San Jose Qualifing Tournament REMOTE

April 10, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 31971198509614 Hyperion Q-1
2nd 28365198209614 Hyperion Q-4
3rd 27959180409614 Hyperion Q-6
4th 26147144709614 Hyperion Q-3
5th 249711087011201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-2
6th 24795827011201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-6
7th 240711145511201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-1
8th 23477728511689 We Love Pi Q-2
9th 22883905511201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-3
10th 21365787011689 We Love Pi Q-3
10th 21365787011689 We Love Pi Q-5
12th 21283844511201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-5
13th 20680864011311 Paragon Q-5
14th 19859548511201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-4
15th 19371725014318 BioBots Q-2
16th 19277605511689 We Love Pi Q-4
17th 18765824011311 Paragon Q-2
18th 18665368518307 Robo Stars Q-6
19th 17877663511689 We Love Pi Q-6
19th 17871525514663 Killabytez Q-2
21st 17665664518307 Robo Stars Q-2
22nd 17565704011311 Paragon Q-4
23rd 17360288518307 Robo Stars Q-1
24th 17171604011311 Paragon Q-6
24th 17165367018307 Robo Stars Q-3
26th 1705664507390 MSET JellyFish Q-4
26th 17080702011311 Paragon Q-3
28th 16965842011689 We Love Pi Q-1
28th 16983365014504 SerenityNow! Q-1
28th 16965545018307 Robo Stars Q-4
28th 16965347018307 Robo Stars Q-5
32nd 16856427014663 Killabytez Q-6
33rd 1654711809614 Hyperion Q-5
34th 16371425014504 SerenityNow! Q-4
35th 15671305514663 Killabytez Q-4
36th 15465345514663 Killabytez Q-1
37th 1534766409614 Hyperion Q-2
38th 1483266507390 MSET JellyFish Q-5
39th 14744485514663 Killabytez Q-5
40th 14251365514504 SerenityNow! Q-5
41st 13850385018340 Polaris Robotics Q-1
42nd 13535604011311 Paragon Q-1
43rd 13244484014504 SerenityNow! Q-2
43rd 13250325014663 Killabytez Q-3
45th 12771362014504 SerenityNow! Q-3
46th 1254436457390 MSET JellyFish Q-1
46th 1255634357390 MSET JellyFish Q-3
48th 12244285018340 Polaris Robotics Q-2
48th 12238147018340 Polaris Robotics Q-3
50th 12144126518340 Polaris Robotics Q-4
51st 11550303518340 Polaris Robotics Q-5
52nd 1144158157390 MSET JellyFish Q-6
53rd 1093262157390 MSET JellyFish Q-2
54th 1064412507641 MSET BettaFish Q-3
55th 9868102014504 SerenityNow! Q-6
56th 945618207641 MSET BettaFish Q-5
57th 9129125014318 BioBots Q-4
58th 8935243011475 Teravoltz Q-3
58th 892960018134 Snark Industries Q-4
60th 845628018340 Polaris Robotics Q-6
61st 837112014318 BioBots Q-6
62nd 764412207641 MSET BettaFish Q-1
63rd 7238142018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-1
64th 713563011475 Teravoltz Q-4
64th 71710014318 BioBots Q-1
66th 705105513274 Longhorn Robotics Q-4
67th 6932221518767 The Techarinos Q-3
68th 6714183514784 Robotic Rampage Q-4
69th 65414207641 MSET BettaFish Q-6
69th 6520301518767 The Techarinos Q-2
71st 632304014784 Robotic Rampage Q-1
71st 631764014784 Robotic Rampage Q-6
73rd 625012011475 Teravoltz Q-6
73rd 625012014078 Mechanical Lemons Q-1
75th 602004014784 Robotic Rampage Q-5
76th 5954507641 MSET BettaFish Q-2
76th 591544018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-2
76th 5926181518767 The Techarinos Q-5
79th 582038018767 The Techarinos Q-1
80th 571164014784 Robotic Rampage Q-3
80th 5726161518767 The Techarinos Q-6
82nd 56506014078 Mechanical Lemons Q-5
82nd 564412018134 Snark Industries Q-2
84th 512382018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-4
85th 50500014078 Mechanical Lemons Q-2
85th 50500014078 Mechanical Lemons Q-4
87th 49418018134 Snark Industries Q-3
87th 492042518233 Mercy Mechs Q-6
89th 483216018134 Snark Industries Q-1
89th 483612018715 Artemis Q-1
89th 483216018767 The Techarinos Q-4
92nd 472022518233 Mercy Mechs Q-5
93rd 44440014318 BioBots Q-3
93rd 44440014318 BioBots Q-5
93rd 441722514784 Robotic Rampage Q-2
93rd 442901517252 Metalworkers Q-6
93rd 442042018233 Mercy Mechs Q-4
98th 422022018233 Mercy Mechs Q-2
98th 422022018233 Mercy Mechs Q-3
100th 41356011475 Teravoltz Q-5
101st 402002011475 Teravoltz Q-2
102nd 395142013274 Longhorn Robotics Q-2
103rd 37352018233 Mercy Mechs Q-1
104th 35350014078 Mechanical Lemons Q-3
104th 35350014078 Mechanical Lemons Q-6
104th 35350017252 Metalworkers Q-1
107th 3232007641 MSET BettaFish Q-4
107th 321701517252 Metalworkers Q-4
109th 30030013274 Longhorn Robotics Q-5
110th 29118109578 Purple Pi Q-6
110th 29290017252 Metalworkers Q-2
110th 29290017252 Metalworkers Q-3
110th 29524018134 Snark Industries Q-5
110th 29204518412 OtterPups Q-5
115th 28082013274 Longhorn Robotics Q-1
116th 25200516278 LogiLift Q-4
117th 24118518412 OtterPups Q-3
117th 24042018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-5
119th 23302018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-3
120th 22512516278 LogiLift Q-5
120th 22116518412 OtterPups Q-6
122nd 21110109578 Purple Pi Q-3
122nd 21601518715 Artemis Q-2
124th 20200011475 Teravoltz Q-1
125th 1862109578 Purple Pi Q-1
125th 1811259578 Purple Pi Q-2
125th 1814409578 Purple Pi Q-4
128th 178459578 Purple Pi Q-5
128th 17116018412 OtterPups Q-1
128th 17116018412 OtterPups Q-4
131st 15510016278 LogiLift Q-6
131st 15501018134 Snark Industries Q-6
133rd 1252516278 LogiLift Q-1
134th 1156013274 Longhorn Robotics Q-3
134th 1156016278 LogiLift Q-3
134th 1138018412 OtterPups Q-2
137th 954013274 Longhorn Robotics Q-6
138th 550016278 LogiLift Q-2
138th 550017252 Metalworkers Q-5