2021 NorCal FTC-Fremont #2 Qualifying Touranment REMOTE

February 28, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 381922048514341 Hypercube Robotics Q-2
1st 3811281688514341 Hypercube Robotics Q-6
3rd 363801988514341 Hypercube Robotics Q-3
4th 3581281805017759 Mind Q-3
5th 348651988514341 Hypercube Robotics Q-4
5th 348572068514341 Hypercube Robotics Q-5
7th 3401281625017759 Mind Q-1
8th 3341281565014341 Hypercube Robotics Q-1
9th 330101144855773 Ink and Metal Q-5
10th 327801628517759 Mind Q-4
10th 327921805517759 Mind Q-6
12th 318921567017759 Mind Q-5
13th 312771508517759 Mind Q-2
14th 27780132655773 Ink and Metal Q-4
15th 27383120705773 Ink and Metal Q-6
16th 26111972705773 Ink and Metal Q-3
17th 25911678658404 Quixilver Q-4
18th 2408090708404 Quixilver Q-3
19th 2387796658404 Quixilver Q-2
20th 22259108555773 Ink and Metal Q-1
20th 2227196555773 Ink and Metal Q-2
22nd 2208090508404 Quixilver Q-5
23rd 21671608511201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-6
24th 2078072558404 Quixilver Q-1
24th 20759787011201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-4
26th 19644827016535 LegitBots Q-1
27th 19559667011201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-5
28th 1916596308404 Quixilver Q-6
29th 18959904016535 LegitBots Q-2
30th 17556843516535 LegitBots Q-4
31st 17165664016535 LegitBots Q-5
32nd 16644824016535 LegitBots Q-6
33rd 16056545014969 Vortex Q-5
34th 1588087011575 Robust Robots Q-3
35th 15365484011201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-1
35th 15371424013217 Codo Dragons Q-2
37th 15159524013217 Codo Dragons Q-6
38th 15035308511575 Robust Robots Q-6
39th 14871423511201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-3
40th 14465245511575 Robust Robots Q-1
41st 14365384013217 Codo Dragons Q-1
42nd 13435544511475 Teravoltz Q-3
43rd 13244484016944 FM493RS Q-6
44th 12959304013217 Codo Dragons Q-3
44th 12959304018346 AA Batteries Q-6
46th 12456482016944 FM493RS Q-3
47th 12144423518346 AA Batteries Q-4
47th 12159422018346 AA Batteries Q-5
49th 11550303511575 Robust Robots Q-2
50th 11350283514969 Vortex Q-3
50th 11350283518346 AA Batteries Q-1
52nd 10965242018346 AA Batteries Q-2
53rd 10844244016944 FM493RS Q-5
54th 10735423011475 Teravoltz Q-4
55th 1046836016535 LegitBots Q-3
56th 10233244518729 TeamFirst-FTC Q-4
57th 10129324018346 AA Batteries Q-3
58th 9844342016944 FM493RS Q-2
59th 9747302013217 Codo Dragons Q-4
59th 972027518564 Techbots Q-5
61st 952007518564 Techbots Q-4
62nd 9450242011575 Robust Robots Q-5
62nd 942047018564 Techbots Q-6
64th 902007018564 Techbots Q-1
64th 902007018564 Techbots Q-2
64th 902007018564 Techbots Q-3
67th 895543011475 Teravoltz Q-5
68th 813564016594 Hyper Geek Turtles Q-5
69th 8038123018729 TeamFirst-FTC Q-2
70th 784434014969 Vortex Q-2
70th 7832163018729 TeamFirst-FTC Q-5
72nd 7720421511475 Teravoltz Q-2
73rd 7632242013217 Codo Dragons Q-5
73rd 7644122016944 FM493RS Q-4
75th 745343514969 Vortex Q-1
76th 722344518729 TeamFirst-FTC Q-1
77th 71710011201 Piedmont Pioneers Q-2
78th 663234014969 Vortex Q-4
79th 6520301511475 Teravoltz Q-1
80th 644402018133 Some Kids Q-2
81st 622024016594 Hyper Geek Turtles Q-2
82nd 6120162516594 Hyper Geek Turtles Q-3
83rd 602004011575 Robust Robots Q-4
83rd 603502516594 Hyper Geek Turtles Q-6
85th 592930016944 FM493RS Q-1
86th 5826122018133 Some Kids Q-5
87th 551504016594 Hyper Geek Turtles Q-4
88th 5011241514969 Vortex Q-6
88th 503812018729 TeamFirst-FTC Q-3
88th 5011241518729 TeamFirst-FTC Q-6
91st 452002516594 Hyper Geek Turtles Q-1
92nd 445241511475 Teravoltz Q-6
93rd 422022018133 Some Kids Q-1
94th 38326018133 Some Kids Q-3
95th 37352016026 Alphabots Q-5
96th 32266018133 Some Kids Q-6
97th 302010018133 Some Kids Q-4
97th 302001018309 Dream Machines Q-4
99th 28082018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-6
100th 25200512962 Zenith Q-2
100th 25200512962 Zenith Q-3
100th 25200512962 Zenith Q-4
100th 25200512962 Zenith Q-5
100th 25200512962 Zenith Q-6
100th 25200518309 Dream Machines Q-1
106th 22022018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-5
107th 20150512962 Zenith Q-1
107th 20200016026 Alphabots Q-4
107th 20002018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-3
110th 19118016026 Alphabots Q-2
111st 15510016026 Alphabots Q-3
112nd 1050518309 Dream Machines Q-3
112nd 10010018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-4
114th 404016026 Alphabots Q-1
114th 404018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-2
116th 000018309 Dream Machines Q-2
116th 000018569 Purple Plastic Eaters Q-1