2021 AK FTC Statewide Qualifier #2 REMOTE

March 8 – 13, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 193411025018185 Lightbotics Q-5
2nd 17441488516880 RoboTigers Q-3
3rd 17329945018185 Lightbotics Q-6
4th 16853605516880 RoboTigers Q-6
5th 162411061518185 Lightbotics Q-4
6th 15829844518185 Lightbotics Q-1
7th 15429606518185 Lightbotics Q-2
8th 15356425516880 RoboTigers Q-2
9th 14750425518810 CHS Wolverines Machine Rampage Q-5
10th 14135367016880 RoboTigers Q-4
10th 14165364016880 RoboTigers Q-5
12th 13544365515923 CHS Wolverines Remastered Q-1
13th 1335612653208 L8 Lynx Q-6
13th 13344345518810 CHS Wolverines Machine Rampage Q-4
15th 13247305516660 Technofeathers Q-6
16th 13159225016660 Technofeathers Q-2
17th 12656304018810 CHS Wolverines Machine Rampage Q-6
18th 12556145515923 CHS Wolverines Remastered Q-2
19th 1245618503208 L8 Lynx Q-3
20th 12220327015923 CHS Wolverines Remastered Q-4
21st 12020307015923 CHS Wolverines Remastered Q-3
21st 12047185516660 Technofeathers Q-3
23rd 117716403208 L8 Lynx Q-5
24th 11223345518810 CHS Wolverines Machine Rampage Q-3
25th 10644224016660 Technofeathers Q-5
26th 10444204015923 CHS Wolverines Remastered Q-5
27th 103594403208 L8 Lynx Q-4
28th 1023824404951 Dimond Legendary Lynx Q-5
28th 10244184018810 CHS Wolverines Machine Rampage Q-2
30th 983548153081 Bobblebots Q-2
31st 972948203081 Bobblebots Q-4
32nd 9318205515786 CHS Wolverines Q-6
33rd 9220324015923 CHS Wolverines Remastered Q-6
34th 9124125515786 CHS Wolverines Q-2
34th 913245516660 Technofeathers Q-4
36th 9020304010099 Chain Reaction Q-5
37th 892940203081 Bobblebots Q-3
38th 8620264010099 Chain Reaction Q-6
38th 8644222016660 Technofeathers Q-1
40th 8529164018810 CHS Wolverines Machine Rampage Q-1
41st 84440403081 Bobblebots Q-6
41st 84524553208 L8 Lynx Q-2
43rd 80562403081 Bobblebots Q-5
43rd 8018224015786 CHS Wolverines Q-3
45th 75350403825 Lightning Lynx Q-6
46th 7420243018848 Wing It Q-1
47th 7332261510908 Not That I Know Of Q-3
48th 7220124016837 The Prickles Q-1
49th 712922203081 Bobblebots Q-1
49th 71238404951 Dimond Legendary Lynx Q-6
49th 714130018185 Lightbotics Q-3
52nd 70350353208 L8 Lynx Q-1
52nd 7026242010908 Not That I Know Of Q-5
52nd 7020104016837 The Prickles Q-4
55th 6927222010099 Chain Reaction Q-1
56th 674162010099 Chain Reaction Q-2
56th 6715124015786 CHS Wolverines Q-5
58th 66388204951 Dimond Legendary Lynx Q-3
59th 6535102015154 Resurrection Robotics Q-6
60th 6420242012087 Capital City Dynamics Q-3
61st 632320204951 Dimond Legendary Lynx Q-4
61st 6323103010908 Not That I Know Of Q-6
63rd 6235121518848 Wing It Q-6
64th 615164015786 CHS Wolverines Q-4
65th 60200403825 Lightning Lynx Q-2
65th 60200403825 Lightning Lynx Q-4
67th 5820182012087 Capital City Dynamics Q-2
67th 580382012087 Capital City Dynamics Q-5
67th 583581515154 Resurrection Robotics Q-2
70th 57512404951 Dimond Legendary Lynx Q-1
70th 575124015947 Tech Tigers Q-6
72nd 553502015154 Resurrection Robotics Q-1
73rd 5220122016837 The Prickles Q-3
74th 50300203825 Lightning Lynx Q-1
74th 500302012087 Capital City Dynamics Q-4
74th 500302012087 Capital City Dynamics Q-6
77th 475123010956 Jacks of Most Trades Q-2
78th 442024010908 Not That I Know Of Q-2
78th 443212010908 Not That I Know Of Q-4
78th 44044015786 CHS Wolverines Q-1
78th 442042016837 The Prickles Q-2
78th 442024018848 Wing It Q-4
83rd 420222012087 Capital City Dynamics Q-1
84th 4035053825 Lightning Lynx Q-3
85th 392014516837 The Prickles Q-6
86th 37202155223 ANSEP Rovers Q-5
87th 365161510956 Jacks of Most Trades Q-6
88th 35150203825 Lightning Lynx Q-5
89th 33582010099 Chain Reaction Q-3
89th 33208516837 The Prickles Q-5
91st 322012010956 Jacks of Most Trades Q-4
92nd 31141253766 Happy Dave Q-6
92nd 31562015947 Tech Tigers Q-3
94th 30030010099 Chain Reaction Q-4
95th 2858155223 ANSEP Rovers Q-2
96th 271512015154 Resurrection Robotics Q-3
97th 2626005223 ANSEP Rovers Q-6
97th 26561518848 Wing It Q-2
99th 2517804951 Dimond Legendary Lynx Q-2
99th 25502012656 ThunderBots Q-3
99th 25502012656 ThunderBots Q-4
99th 25502012656 ThunderBots Q-5
103rd 24204015154 Resurrection Robotics Q-4
103rd 24240016880 RoboTigers Q-1
103rd 241212018848 Wing It Q-3
106th 231112010908 Not That I Know Of Q-1
107th 2151605223 ANSEP Rovers Q-4
107th 21516018848 Wing It Q-5
109th 2020006281 Genetic Advantage Q-6
109th 20002012656 ThunderBots Q-2
109th 20002012656 ThunderBots Q-6
112nd 19014515154 Resurrection Robotics Q-5
113rd 185853766 Happy Dave Q-3
113rd 185853766 Happy Dave Q-4
115th 17116015947 Tech Tigers Q-4
116th 165653766 Happy Dave Q-5
116th 1656515947 Tech Tigers Q-5
118th 1550106281 Genetic Advantage Q-1
118th 15510010956 Jacks of Most Trades Q-5
120th 145453766 Happy Dave Q-2
120th 1468015947 Tech Tigers Q-2
122nd 135803766 Happy Dave Q-1
122nd 1358015947 Tech Tigers Q-1
124th 105056281 Genetic Advantage Q-2
124th 105056281 Genetic Advantage Q-5
124th 1050512656 ThunderBots Q-1
127th 954010956 Jacks of Most Trades Q-1
128th 55005223 ANSEP Rovers Q-1
128th 55005223 ANSEP Rovers Q-3
128th 55006281 Genetic Advantage Q-3
128th 55006281 Genetic Advantage Q-4
128th 550010956 Jacks of Most Trades Q-3