2021 Israel FTC Scrimmage #2 REMOTE

May 2 – 4, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 20492823012797 MEGIDDO LIONS Q-6
2nd 201591024016473 SciFighters Q-3
3rd 18371724016473 SciFighters Q-5
4th 17936984512797 MEGIDDO LIONS Q-2
5th 17771664016473 SciFighters Q-2
5th 17771664016473 SciFighters Q-6
7th 17680564018833 Megiddo Lions Q-2
8th 17159724016473 SciFighters Q-1
9th 16950546518833 Megiddo Lions Q-5
10th 16556644512797 MEGIDDO LIONS Q-3
10th 16571544016473 SciFighters Q-4
12th 15944803512797 MEGIDDO LIONS Q-5
13th 15217904512797 MEGIDDO LIONS Q-4
14th 15041644512797 MEGIDDO LIONS Q-1
15th 14174323518833 Megiddo Lions Q-4
16th 13850484018833 Megiddo Lions Q-1
17th 13365482018833 Megiddo Lions Q-3
18th 12435543518833 Megiddo Lions Q-6
19th 12056244015298 RoboTen Q-2
20th 11444304015298 RoboTen Q-3
21st 11311327013452 BTJ Q-6
22nd 10232304015298 RoboTen Q-6
23rd 9135164013452 BTJ Q-4
24th 874704018273 AbilityEdge Q-4
25th 8130361517056 Mechanic Makers Q-1
26th 7517184013452 BTJ Q-2
26th 7517382015298 RoboTen Q-1
28th 7220124015298 RoboTen Q-5
28th 7245121517056 Mechanic Makers Q-2
28th 7230123017056 Mechanic Makers Q-3
28th 7220223017056 Mechanic Makers Q-4
32nd 692904012989 Super Cow Q-5
32nd 6915342018268 SYCATECH Q-1
34th 680284018268 SYCATECH Q-6
34th 683236018273 AbilityEdge Q-2
36th 66606017056 Mechanic Makers Q-5
37th 650303518268 SYCATECH Q-4
38th 642044012989 Super Cow Q-6
38th 6420242015298 RoboTen Q-4
38th 6435141517056 Mechanic Makers Q-6
41st 614102018273 AbilityEdge Q-6
42nd 602004012989 Super Cow Q-3
42nd 600204018268 SYCATECH Q-2
42nd 602040018776 Piece of Mind Q-1
45th 56560018273 AbilityEdge Q-1
46th 525123513452 BTJ Q-1
47th 502462018273 AbilityEdge Q-5
48th 47524012989 Super Cow Q-2
49th 435182013452 BTJ Q-3
49th 435182018273 AbilityEdge Q-3
51st 41410013452 BTJ Q-5
52nd 391722012989 Super Cow Q-1
53rd 291514018776 Piece of Mind Q-2
53rd 29290018776 Piece of Mind Q-4
55th 27522012989 Super Cow Q-4
56th 26062018268 SYCATECH Q-5
57th 606018268 SYCATECH Q-3
58th 550018776 Piece of Mind Q-3
58th 550018776 Piece of Mind Q-5
58th 550018776 Piece of Mind Q-6